When Noah (pbuh) was born, he had unusually light skin and hair, and he was speaking. This scared his parents.
Noah’s father went to his own father and asked what was happening, and his father went to speak to his father, in turn. This was Noah’s great grandfather, Enoch (pbuh), who was in heaven by then.
Enoch (pbuh) was a very close friend of God while he was here on Earth, and had already been allowed to see the written plan for everything, that shows the future.
Enoch (pbuh) told them to relax and that he had looked at the written plan again. He told them that the child was in the written plan, that they should call him Noah (pbuh) and that he would know what he had to do to save humankind in a great flood.
He was called Knower because he would know what he had to do.
Was there really a great flood? It is in the history of many of the world's cultures that there was one. Among the debris in space is a vast quantity of frozen water, and the planet Mars has "evidence of cataclysmic floods before liquid water vanished" according National Geographic magazine. The floods removed giants that were causing problems on Earth, and skeletons of up to almost forty feet tall are now being found.